
goals: file

A file is a short story. 1000 - 2000 lines could be plenty.

Some exceptions are more a resource than a story; a well-organized 5000 line file might make sense.

Reader: I like to jump to the middle of a book to see if I like the writing, when I'm deciding whether to buy it.

Bim: That's how I found out about Robin Hood.

If Reader can jump to the middle and get oriented, that's fine.


Each file is somewhere on the #include dependency tree. Reusable code is decoupled through minimal dependencies, so the project layout is a way to enforce project organization. It's not even clear they should be two different things.


Reader likes a story arc.
/* Hi, this is a file */ 

MainCharacter::MainCharacter() { introduce(); } 

void MainCharacter::LifetimeGoal() { 


SupportingCharacter::SupportingCharater() {introduce();} 

// etc 


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