geometryUI::geometryUI() { // constructor
Add(3/*how many*/, xUI,"X",0., yUI,"Y",0., zUI,"Z",0.); // add to base class managed list.
load(); // Set defaults.
sync(0); // Redraw UI.
The base class "plug" (or "plugin") keeps lists of components. That's about all it needs to supply save, load, restore, undo, print, and cut/paste.void Dashboard::sync(Widget*o) {
if (o== heatOnUI) turn_heat_on();
if (o==radioOnUI) turn_radio_on();
// etc, then:
heatOnUI ->value(is_heat_on());
if (o) do_callback(); // "o" not null means a sub-component called sync().
void Interior::sync(Widget*o) {
if (o== dashboardUI) play_annoying_ding();
if (o==smartphoneUI) inform_government();
// etc, then:
dashboardUI ->sync(0);
if (o) do_callback();
} 2017 [171108]