
means: names

Ten or fifteen minutes spent coming up with exactly the right name for a function is time well spent.
[ hqse, p.42]

Getting the right name is a big part of the work.

A good name is descriptive but not too long. It's distinctive but also a reasonable English word for the item. Ideally it has natural abbreviations for local variables.

The ideal of self documenting code can lead to extremely long names:
It's understandable, but should be resisted. Think hard about a shorter name that says the same thing. It will pay off over time.


2 to 4 letters, for example:
GL // 
FL //, Fast lightweight toolkit 
glm //, math library 
std //<a <a href="../ref/stl.html">stl</a>>standard template library</a>. 

boo:: // boost? or 
bst:: // boost? unsure.


A felicitous combination of abbreviations and conventions is the translator pattern:
doub       i2x( int); // iterator to spatial coordinate. 
doub dist2time(doub); // distance to time translation. 
doub val2alf  (doub); // function value to alpha channel.
Keep accessors brief where possible:
inline void w(int X) {w_=X; inval();} // set, invalidate. 
inline void h(int X) {h_=X; inval();} 
inline int  w()      {return w_;}     // get. 
inline int  h()      {return h_;}
otherwise prefixed:
void   setMarks(cchar*); // Set metadata from string. 
string getMarks();       // Return metadata as string.


The right name is half the work of factoring.

This is worth spending time thinking about, especially if you plan to be stuck with it for a while. It's a chance to think about what you really want to end up with.
#undef  NWID //####################################################### 
#define NWID                                                    "Path" 
struct PathItem { 
  PathItem() {init();} 
  void mix(const PathItem&, const PathItem&, doub); 
  void init(); 

class   PathHeader { 
public: PathHeader(): version_(1), fps_(6) {} 
  inline int version() const {return version_;} 
  int version_; 
  int fps_; // path granularity, frames per second. 

class   Path: public PathHeader { 
public: Path() {path_.resize(1);} 
  PathItem before(doub) const; // extrapolate for t > tMax. 
  PathItem  after(doub) const; // extrapolate for t < tMin. 
  inline PathItem &item(int i) {return path_[i];} // actual nth item. 
  inline int  size() const {return path_.size();} 
  inline int  fps()  const {return fps_;} 
  inline void fps(int X) {fps_ = X; inval();} 
  static void save(Path*, cchar*); 
  static void load(Path*, cchar*); 
  void inval() {path_.resize(0);} 
  vector<PathItem> path_; 
}; 2017 [171108]